With a heavy heart I write to tell you that Kelly and I will be leaving town indefinitely. We travel to the United States as soon as we have an appointment. Monday afternoon (October 11, 2010) Kelly was diagnosed with a brain tumor located on the upper right side above the ear. It's about the size of an egg. Dr. says it appears to be a slow growing cancer...maybe 6-8 months old, probably caused by a genetic cell reproduction malfunction. They have to remove the tumor, see if it is malignant and then we go on from there. If it is not malignant, she might be up and working again in 2 months. If it is malignant, the operation will be followed by radiation.
Kelly had not had any symptoms whatsoever before Friday morning (October 8, 2010). She's never even suffered from headaches! That night after Ani's birthday dinner (October 7, 2010), Kelly had a seizure where she lost consciousness and convulsed violently for about 4 minutes. We called her doctor, Dr. Abouganem and he recommended she see a neurologist: Dr. Dondis at Punta Pacifica. Dr. Dondis started a series of tests and gave her some meds. On Friday and Saturday (October 9&10, 2010) Kelly started throwing up, experienced nausea and a blinding headache.
The MRI that she took Monday afternoon confirmed that the symptoms are the result of a tumor. The other tests confirmed that it is probably caused by a genetic disorder. Dr. Dondis says she needs to be operated right away. Tuesday night, we met with the neurosurgeon Dr. Dondis recommended, Dr. Sanchez-Cardenas at Punta Pacifica. As soon as we get the paperwork together (next couple of days), we will head North. My sister lives in Jacksonville, and that is the number one hospital noted for neuro-surgery. The number one hospital for cancer is in Texas and the number 2 is in New York. So, we might start with Jacksonville. Please keep Kelly in your prayers, we are very positive and focusing on a successful outcome.