Thursday, October 14, 2010

A letter from my mother, to all friends and family...

   With a heavy heart I write to tell you that Kelly and I will be leaving town indefinitely.  We travel to the United States as soon as we have an appointment.  Monday afternoon (October 11, 2010) Kelly was diagnosed with a brain tumor located on the upper right side above the ear.  It's about the size of an egg.  Dr. says it appears to be a slow growing cancer...maybe 6-8 months old, probably caused by a genetic cell reproduction malfunction.  They have to remove the tumor, see if it is malignant and then we go on from there.  If it is not malignant, she might be up and working again in 2 months.  If it is malignant, the operation will be followed by radiation. 
   Kelly had not had any symptoms whatsoever before Friday morning (October 8, 2010).  She's never even suffered from headaches!  That night after Ani's birthday dinner (October 7, 2010), Kelly had a seizure where she lost consciousness and convulsed violently for about 4 minutes.  We called her doctor, Dr. Abouganem and he recommended she see a neurologist: Dr. Dondis at Punta Pacifica.  Dr. Dondis started a series of tests and gave her some meds.  On Friday and Saturday (October 9&10, 2010) Kelly started throwing up, experienced nausea and a blinding headache.  
   The MRI that she took Monday afternoon confirmed that the symptoms are the result of a tumor.  The other tests confirmed that it is probably caused by a genetic disorder.  Dr. Dondis says she needs to be operated right away.  Tuesday night, we met with the neurosurgeon Dr. Dondis recommended, Dr. Sanchez-Cardenas at Punta Pacifica.  As soon as we get the paperwork together (next couple of days), we will head North.  My sister lives in Jacksonville, and that is the number one hospital noted for neuro-surgery.  The number one hospital for cancer is in Texas and the number 2 is in New York.  So, we might start with Jacksonville. Please keep Kelly in your prayers, we are very positive and focusing on a successful outcome.   


  1. praying for you. te mando un fuerte abrazo and positive thoughts!! -Sam

  2. Ani, thank you for creating this blog. You, and your entire family, are precious souls. My heart is with you always and forever.

  3. Kelly
    You are in our thoughts and prayers, we are sure you'll get through this with a positive outcome. It is all in the attitude we face what G-d puts in our path. Keep a positive mind, and make sure we will be praying for you every day. Los Lalo

  4. Love you Kel!!

    Mrs. Lee and her shuffling flip flops.

  5. Kelly, U and ur family are in my thoughts and prayers. Be strong and have faith!

    Tanya Bacot

  6. Kelly,

    My heart goes out to you and your family through this. Keep your head up and thoughts have a lot of friends and family supporting you!


  7. Ani - thank you so much for this. please tell kelly that she is in my thoughts and prayers. i'm thankful that she has such a wonderful support system and smart one to boot. if there is anything my family can do for her, please let us know....

  8. Kelly,
    My heart has really been in my boots. BUT I know you are gonna get through this. Let me know if you need a clown, a bad musician, or someone to rub your feet and I will be on my way to 'cause a ruckus wherever you venture to. :) In my heart of hearts I miss you.
    Ryan Sweeney

  9. Dear Ani,

    What a beautiful blog. This will be great for everyone, thanks for keeping us all updated. You guys are our second family and we are praying for Kelly's recovery and that her spirits stay high. We are also praying for all of you to stay strong and have peace within your hearts that everything will turn out alright. I love you all. Kelly, you are a warrior, and I know you'll make it through this. I love you with all my heart. Love, Yoles

  10. Kelly, ever since I found out, you and your family have been in my thoughts, daily! You are in my all my prayers. If you come to NY, i will be here!
    You are one of the strongest women I know, between that and a family full of iron souls --like yours -- you will prevail!
    Most important keep a smile on your face and positive energy in your heart.
    xoxox, Miriam B.

  11. Love you Kelly and my heart and family's prayers go out to you and your entire warrior family. We are praying for your swift recovery. Miss you and hope I get to bask in your sunshine again soon.


  12. kelly get better, nice blog annie..... good luck again kelly , hope you feel better, i'll be praying for you


  13. Kelly,

    Ever since I heard you have been in my thoughts and prayers daily. Keep your warrior spirit up and I know you can beat this. I am praying for you and your family and wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Love you,

    Andrea Cedeno

  14. Such a beautiful blog. I hate that you have to do it but appreciate that you are keeping everyone up to date. My heart is melting for Kelly and your whole family. I can't even imagine what you all must be going through. Kelly is a strong beautiful woman inside and out and I know she will kick this cancer in the butt. Please give Kelly my love and let her know we are all praying for her.


    Kelly Hunt

  15. Kelly I am so sorry to hear of all this, my heart and my prayers go out to you. I know you are a strong WARRIOR as your name states and I know you will beat this and be back to your old Kelly self in no time. I am so glad we have been able to reconnect after all these years and I know we have many years of laughter ahead of us as well. Love you girl stay strong and feel all the love and support to help lift you!


  16. Queridas Kelly y Maria,

    Lamentamos recibir esta noticia,estamos seguros todo va salir bien y podremos continuar el camino junto a ustedes dos que son humanamente increíbles.
    Yo Verónica¨estuve en Coma profunda, hace unos años, creo profundamente en los milagros y en la fuerza que tiene Di's y la energía de la gente que nos ama, estudie medicina y aplique con mis pacientes lo que el amor puede llegar hacer para sanar. Kelly no pierdas la fuerza que te caracteriza,mantener actitud positiva respecto al futuro y a la curación favorece la recuperación de la misma, tu eres muy inteligente y hermosa por dentro, es importante visualizar con una actitud muy optimista que la lesión que tengas va desaparecer mas rápido de lo que pienses,te deseo todo lo mejor al igual que a tu mamá y a tu flia.
    Mi familia y yo estamos a la orden para lo que necesites.

    Que D's te ilumine con bendiciones , un gran abrazo y pronta mejoría

    Verónica(mamá de Moi y Eithan Rembaum)

  17. Kelbatroff (or however Ian would spell your DnD warrior name).
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. When I heard the news a flashback of memories filled my thoughts. Every memory I saw your beautiful smile. Keep smiling sweetheart for it will bring your strength.


  18. Kelly,

    I will have you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Remember have faith and stay positive love, Kathy Boyle

  19. Kelly,
    You & your family are in my thoughts & prayers! Stay positive - hold onto family, faith & friends! So many of us are here for you, praying for you & loving you! The meaning of ur name is perfect for you! You r a beautiful person full of life & know that you'll beat this! We r all here for you brave worrior! you'll be in my daily prayers. un abrazo fuerte y que Dios te bendiga!

  20. Dear Kelly,
    ¨The will of G-d will never take you, where the grace of G-d will not protect you¨.
    We´ll pray for your speedy recovery.
    Keep a smile on your face.
    All our love,
    Los Polonsky

  21. Kelly, you are a beautiful spirit, friend and a strong woman! I have you in my prayers and thoughts. I was blown away by this news. If you want to come to a specialist in Chicago please know you have my apartment. I'm so sorry you had to go through that horrible experience with the seizure and the on-going medical tests...stay strong, you are brave and strong and will shine through this!

    Con mucho cariño,


  22. Dear Kelly, Ani and Maria,

    We have been keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers since we heard the news. Kelly is so blessed to have such a wonderful family to love and support her during the journey ahead.

    Thank you for sharing your journey with us through this website. We will be following along closely and will be praying with you each step of the way.

    The road we walk today may not be that which we had planned. But it never is. Nothing in this life is for certain except the fate we are dealt. It is our own choice as to how we can navigate that fate.

    May you continue to be blessed with healing and the love and support of so many who are now part of your extended family.

    Warm Regards,

    Albert, Claudia, Beno Yohros and 3 future MDA-ers

  23. Dearest DILLON family,
    We are here for you and whatever you might need. You are in our daily thoughts and prayers. much love,
    Felipe, Sarita and Isaac de Castro

  24. You will dominate this situation in every way imaginable. I know you will, because that is who you are. Strong, Beautiful, and always full of life.
    I will be thinking of you and your family, praying with all my heart.

  25. Hey, Kelly. Its me again. I am writing on here again because i am a big dork. :) And you have been so incognito by not being on facebook - I haven't spoken to you in forever! More then anything I have been wanting to hang out with that big, beautiful smile of yours. I just had a funny memory pop in my head. Do you remember when I got injured as a soccer goalie in high school? I was hurt bad and couldn't move at all nor did they want to move me. But the problem was I landed in a fire-ant nest with my soccer shorts in an uncomfortable wedgie with my white-ass legs showing. And you were there slapping the fire-ants away and saving me from the pain because they couldn't move me until the ambulance came and got me. Um, I was embarrassed about my whole wedgie look. :) LOL Well, that was a funny memory among many others - like when i wiped out on the moped in Contadora. So I owe you for saving me from the fire-ants! So let me know how and when I can pay you back. :) I think you should now start planning your princess-warrior vacation get-away for when this is all over with. Something easy for you like a trek to base camp Mount Everest or K2. :) Miss you so much!!! When this is all over with we better hang out!!!!!!

  26. This is great news Ani!!! Kelly my thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you and your family!!
    Brian Husted

  27. Hi Kelly,
    I wrote yesterday, but somehow I didn't understand the system. You are on the St Mary's prayer net and people around the world are praying for you. So glad to hear the good news today. You are surrounded by so much love and positive energy. Have faith that you will be totally and completely cured. Much love, Rita Sosa

  28. Biggest smile on my face this morning when I read this!!! Great news!!! Thanks for the update Ani. Thinking about you and your family everyday Kelly. Kick this thing in the A#% and get well soon.
    Louis Vogel

  29. Que bueno leer esta noticia! Estas en mis oraciones, se que con tu energia y positivismo esto sera una capitulo mas en tu vida! Un gran abrazo y annie gracias por mantenernos al tanto.
    Gaby M

  30. Kelly!
    i which you the best in this journey you are as of today living, i am sure you will recover quickly and alway remember you are a brave warrior. Te deseo toda la suerte del mundo Kelly! un abrazo muy fuerte, Abel Mercado.

  31. Dear Kelly, Maria, and Annie,
    The Ducreux family has been praying for you with all our hearts!!Maria, you are a wonderful person with a gift of laughter and positiveness that shines trhough. My Annie, please be assured that you are always in my thoughts, my colorful Princess with all the colors in her outfits, you will fill your sister with the colors of hope, kindness and love!! Kelly, We all love you!! Que la virgen de la rosa mistica te proteja!!
    Mrs. Ducreux

  32. No pierdas el brillo de tu mirada,
    aún sabiendo que muchas cosas nublarán tus ojos…

    No pierdas el equilibrio,
    aún sabiendo que algunos pasos serán inseguros…

    No pierdas el optimismo,
    aún sabiendo que el futuro podrá
    tener matices agridulces..

    No pierdas las fuerzas,
    aún sabiendo que las derrotas existen.

    No pierdas las ganas de ayudar a los demás,
    aún sabiendo que muchos no sabrán
    reconocer, esa ayuda…

    No pierdas la alegría de vivir,
    aún sabiendo que algunas lágrimas brotarán de tus ojos…

    No pierdas esta primavera,
    sólo porque no ha salido aún una flor en tu balcón…

    Y por encima de todo… No pierdas la ilusión
    y jamás olvides que todavía puedes hacer cosas que aún
    no te animas ni a soñar.

    Estas siempre en nuestros pensamientos y sigue sonriendo que la vida todavía tiene mucho que darte.

    "The Twins"
    Cathy y Michelle

  33. Fight, Kelly, Fight! Stare death in the face--defiantly and courageously. I did. Four years ago, I had a tumor the size of a tennis ball in my head, while pregnant. Baby and I turned out a little scarred, but survived nonetheless. You, too can do it.

    From the Warrior Mom, (also a close friend of Henry Arosemena's and former Panama resident)

  34. Ani, thanks for creating this blog. Please tell Kelly she is in my thoughts and prayers and love her very much! If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I am confident she will pull through this. Kelly, we go through years at a time without seeing each other, but whenever we do reunite it's like time has never passed:) You are such a beautiful person and a wonderful friend. I miss you very much and am thinking about you constantly. Love, Dar

  35. Hola Kelly y familia, tratamos por medio del celular de localizar a tu papi pero no obtuvimos respuesta, sabiamos exactamente lo que estaban pasando en esos momentos y preferimos no insistir. Somos Henry y Loyra Arosemena y tan increible como ha sido para ustedes, hace exactamente un ano atras tuvimos la misma experiencia. Henry mi esposo, despues de varios meses de estar perdiendo la audicion del oido derecho y de sentirse descompensado (era la palabra que el utilizaba para tratar de explicar su malestar) y despues de muchos examenes y un MRI nos informaron que tenia un tumor en la cabeza llamado Meningioma extendido al Meckel,s cave en la parte derecha del cerebro y de un tamano similar al tuyo. Wao!!!! el mundo se nos vino encima pero gracias al amor de Dios, el amor de nuestros hijos, el amor de nuestra familia, el amor de nuestros amigos y todos los pensamientos positivos y las plegarias iguales a las que todos y cada uno de nosotros estamos haciendo por ti en estos y todos los momentos del dia, todo salio super bien. Henry mi esposo, esta super bien si lo ves, no lo puedes ni creer. Ten fe Kelly que estamos seguros que todo te va a salir bien.

  36. Kelly,

    Hoping that you are recovering well. We all miss your beautiful smile every morning! You are in my daily prayers.

    Much Love,



Thoughts for Kelly