Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine’s Day

How’s this for a love story….

At Monday noon, a high-contrast MRI was performed at MSKCC immediately prior to our consultation with Dr. Ingo Mellinghoff, the team leader for Kelly’s therapy regime. Rabbi Goldwasser arrived at the appointed hour to join us for the “family” meeting (we always seem to overwhelm the nurses and they worry how we’re all going to fit into their small examination rooms!). During the ensuing consultation, the Doctor patiently laid out for us his judgment on Kelly’s post-therapy status and the plans for future treatment.

The Doctor expressed awe at the emotional and physical strengths Kelly has demonstrated/maintained throughout her ordeal. Then, giving credit to Dr. Stieg for an “excellent” resection (surgical removal) of the tumor, he reported that this latest MRI shows no growth or spreading of the cancer. When he later showed us the images, contrasted side-by-side with images of the MRI performed immediately after the operation, we were astonished! Kelly really does have a hole in her head (something we always suspected). A better prognosis could not have been hoped for; but more treatment is required.

Dr. Mellinghoff and Dr. Chan take no credit for Kelly’s successful therapy, but we know they deserve our warmest thanks for a job well done (Bien hecho, Doctores!). The Dillon Clan also has no doubt that the many interventions and recommendations of Rabbi Goldwasser on Kelly’s behalf are directly responsible for the successes that we have always been able to report in this blog. His is a very large heart and his faith in God is clear in all that he does for his “patients”.

The orally-administered chemo therapy will reinitiate after a month’s rest, and continue for at least six months. Working on a 28-day cycle, Kelly will take the Temodar capsule for five days consecutively and then rest for 23 days. This “cycle” will be repeated at least six times.  The Temodar dosage strengths during these cycles are several times more potent than the dosage that she has just completed. The Doctor placed no restrictions on her activities or diet, but recommended that she pay close attention to her body’s signals to reduce stress from work, physical activities and other daily responsibilities.

And, as icing on the cake, the Doctor gave his permission for Kelly to travel home as soon as she would like. A collective sigh of relief and a round of applause greeted this welcome pronouncement! Now how’s that for a Valentine’s Day full of love, courage, emotion, warmth, kindness and hope and faith! Why, every floor of the hospital facility was decorated throughout with hearts and festive colors to celebrate the day of love.

Tia Bea and Ernesto joined us later for dinner at the Glass House, when we raised a toast to them, Tio Kurt and Charlotte (who are away at work and school) for hosting our family these past four months (!) in the most comfortable of surroundings and in their genuinely kind and loving embrace.

Our mini-celebration continues tonight – we’re off to enjoy the Gypsy Kings in concert at Radio City Music Hall in Times Square. Packing of suitcases, bags and boxes continue at a furious pace. Mom and Kelly fly home on Friday; Dad and Ani return the cars and excess freight to our home in Atlanta and will return to Panama next Wednesday.

Thus comes to an end Act I of Kelly’s life-threatening ordeal. She will return to NYC at the end of April for another check-up and consultation with her team of doctors and her treatment may well be of a very long duration. We will continue to update this blog. But it is now clearly evident that the heart-felt prayers and intentions from Kelly’s family and friends have combined to create a miracle of recovery and renewed faith. A story of love and kindness written by each of you! Gracias a Dios y a todos ustedes!

Clan Dillon                                      

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lucky #30

Hello wonderful people :)
  Yesterday may have been the 7th day of February, but today is the 30th day of Kelly's treatment cycle (yippee!)...we are @ MSKCC waiting for her to be called into her FINAL TREATMENT! So, I think what I am trying to say is that yesterday may have been powered by the luckiest number, but today just feels 17% luckier.  And to top it off, it looks like it is going to be a sunny day.  This calls for a delicious brunch in celebration of her strength and many victories over the past 4 months! Mimosas and Bloody Mary's anyone?! 

Today, Dr. Chan (Radiologist) will see Kelly for a final visit.  Next Monday, February 14th, we will meet with Dr. Melinghoff (Chemotherapist/ Head of Oncology team) to find out what the next steps are; future appointments, MRI's, etc. 

Thank you all for your love and support through out every step of the is truly priceless.

Keep up the PMA and prayers

Kelly and Ani