Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lucky #30

Hello wonderful people :)
  Yesterday may have been the 7th day of February, but today is the 30th day of Kelly's treatment cycle (yippee!)...we are @ MSKCC waiting for her to be called into her FINAL TREATMENT! So, I think what I am trying to say is that yesterday may have been powered by the luckiest number, but today just feels 17% luckier.  And to top it off, it looks like it is going to be a sunny day.  This calls for a delicious brunch in celebration of her strength and many victories over the past 4 months! Mimosas and Bloody Mary's anyone?! 

Today, Dr. Chan (Radiologist) will see Kelly for a final visit.  Next Monday, February 14th, we will meet with Dr. Melinghoff (Chemotherapist/ Head of Oncology team) to find out what the next steps are; future appointments, MRI's, etc. 

Thank you all for your love and support through out every step of the way...it is truly priceless.

Keep up the PMA and prayers

Kelly and Ani


  1. That is one strong, determined, beautiful BRAVE WARRIOR! And let me tell you something, she's got a wonderful clan backing her up! The Dillonskis are one kick@*# group!!! Love you all so very very much and can't wait to share in your celebration with some sancocho, yuca frita y una cerveza bien bien fria! Yuppppppieee yupppperoooooo! Mucho love - Cathy, Sebastien and JoJo

  2. Miss you guys. Hang in there. Warm weather awaits you in a land far off where the trees are green.
    Love Oliver & Leah

  3. You are one brave beautiful girl.You look wonderful, keep it up. It is all in the mind and in the prayer.
    Miss you all,
    Ana.B MDA

  4. Great to hear that Kelly is doing so well. They are absolute wizards at Sloan-Kettering, and they've done amazing work for our son Jack(http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/jackgrimison).

    I know one of these visits we are going to hear a bunch of noise down the corridor and realize it's the Dillon clan! We will keep Kelly in our prayers and otherwise send positive vibes.

    Matt, Theresa and Jack Grimison (and little brother William)

  5. YOU GO GIRLS!!!! Kelly, ROCK ON BABY!! We anxiously await your return!! I am so so so so soooooooo proud of you! Sending lots of warm Panamanian sunshine your way! Thanks for the posts, Ani...... I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!

  6. YAY! I am still humbled by the grace Kelly and familia have shown throughout this journey. I will have a mimosa AND bloody mary...maybe even a mojito too ;-). Love & light and always prayers.
    Michelle Huff

  7. Hi Kelly, Ani and Mari,

    As I was taking the R/S bags out of the car last night, Mark was walking by and when I said.. "all done" he put had a big grin on his face, and his long arms out reached out for the sky in thanks. You guys are so wonderful and although very trying, this has also been such a gratifying experience for a family full of love and so giving. A true example for all. So now, the day you all come home is a bit closer, and we will continue to pray and celebrate all the blessings. We got some rain yesterday, so hopefully it will still be quite green when you come back. Kiki and Kylee can't wait either.

    Ella sends her love to her three tias and we can't wait to give you all great big hugs.

    All our love,

    Tia Maggie, Tio Camilo, Viv, Yoela, Rob, Ella and Carmen

  8. Kelly,
    Your journey through this continues to amaze me. I always knew you were a strong woman. I continue to put you on the prayer list at church every Sunday. I hope your Valentine's day appointment brings some sweet news that you can return to the land of warmth!

    Heather Hanson

  9. :) I had a crazy dream last night. We were all in Panama, but it looked more like the Jersey shore (weird, right?) And Nanny still had her dog Sona. Kelly, your hair was short but curly, and we were all riding roller coasters... (Not Nanny, she insisted on staying down below.) :) Not much of a dream, but it's been awhile since I've dreamt of Panama.
    Best wishes Kelly. You are strong and beautiful. We continue to pray for you.

  10. You are all trully amazing! This strength, possitive attitude, and bravery is what is going to get you through this whole ordeal. Keep it all up! Hope to see you all back here soon in T-shirts and shorts!
    Valerie -n- Co.

  11. We are all waiting with baited breath to hear how Kelly's final appt went on Monday.... when are you coming home???

  12. Word on the street is that you are going back to Panama! Yahooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) Miss ya, Kelly.
    your dorkiest friend ever,


Thoughts for Kelly