Thursday, November 25, 2010


Guess what?!?!?!  IT"S SNOWING!!! We are so excited...especially because we are now living inside of our Tia Bea's family's glass house (guest house)...we can spin in circles inside the house and feel like we are outside experiencing the snow flurry even hough it is nice and warm in here! The fire place is blazing and we are soon headed off to a Thanksgiving feast inside of a big ol'barn! Early this morning I made a batch of cookies to add to the feast...the house smells yummy! What a speacial day!

THANK YOU friends and family for all the love and support...we love you and couldn't fight this battle with out you.  Gracias!



  1. Happy Thanksgiving to the beautiful Dillon family!! I'm thankful to have you in my life. Love, Michelle Huff

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you all. We had a feast here at the 3995 thrasher. Great family, food and friends. Hope spirits are high. We send our love.
    Oliver and Leah

  4. I can't believe it's been a year since I first saw JoJo cruising down Dillon Lane with a sporty blue jacket - it was love at first sight! Incredible how a moment can remain etched in your mind forever. I'm sure Maria's lime pie and the cabbage casserole also helped to cement that moment to memory :-) Sebastien and I will never forget the Thanksgiving we spent with such an amazing family and group of friends. Sebastien and his addiction to starting fires and my addiction to S'mores, Rosemary's cabin, Shuggie Otis, and strawberry duros! What a weekend! Thank you ALL for ALWAYS giving! You are truly a fantastic bunch! Love you to infinity and beyond - Cathy, Sebas, and JoJo.

  5. We drank a toast to Kelly and The Dillons at our 2nd annual MDA Staff Thanksgiving were thought of, missed, and as always,loved by all....please come home soon.....

  6. To the Brave Warrior who HAD an Egg in Her Head,

    Life is definitely crazy. I’ve been reading through this blog and am incredibly inspired by your courage, confidence, faith, and your attitude. Not that I’m surprised in any way. I wouldn’t expect you to face this situation any differently, and yet I am not sure I could say that about anyone else that I’ve ever known. You truly are an amazing person. You will not stop fighting this, and your determination and your optimism will prove to be the difference maker. I’m thinking about you and pulling for you all the way, and so are all your friends down here in Jax. Keep the optimism, the PMA!!


  7. Dear Kelly and Family,

    I am so happy that you had a wonderful snowy thanksgiving. Since I am so lucky to have been to the beautiful house you are staying at, I could just imagine you all in the glass house enjoying the snow.

    You are in my prayers and positive thoughts each day.

    Lots and lots of love,



Thoughts for Kelly