Wednesday, November 10, 2010


   We are currently reading Donald R. Yance's book, Herbal Medicine, Healing, and Cancer; A Comprehensive Program for Prevention and Treatment and there are many live testimonies that point out that herbs, vitamins, and other micro-nutrients, proper diet and other health-enhancing modalities can be used with conventional therapies in the healing process. We are moving toward this two-fold approach. Here is an excerpt from Yance's book that summarizes some of his thoughts that seem to make a lot of sense to us.

" I am frequently asked what really heals cancer. Frankly, I don't know whether it is the herbs, the nutritional supplements, changes in diet or lifestyle, changes in mind and spirit, or even some conventional protocols. Perhaps it's a combination of all these things. I do know, however, that just as each herb is a complex entity, so too is each individual. Thus, healing with herbs brings us into a realm where physical explanations are not always as clear and scientific as we would like. This synergy that takes place between the body's own innate tendency to heal and the herbs that aid in that process is, in some ways, a mystery even though the healing itself is indisputably real." -Donald R. Yance

Miriam Butterman sent us this article...Has anyone heard about this? Or know of anybody who has gone through this treatment.

Vivir16 Jun 2009 - 10:54 pm

El elíxir para el cáncer

Por: Mariana Suárez Rueda
El jueves se presenta en Bogotá un documental sobre este tratamiento.
Alan Furmanski
Foto: Juan Camilo Giraldo
Alan Furmanski fue diagnosticado con cáncer cuando tenía apenas 27 años. Empeñado en ganarle la batalla a la muerte puso todas sus fuerzas en un tratamiento tradicional, pero no dio resultado. Desesperado empezó a investigar sobre otras alternativas para combatir la enfermedad y encontró que en Estados Unidos y México se había vuelto popular un novedoso procedimiento que en dos años promete curar el cáncer sin métodos invasivos ni perjudiciales para el organismo, simplemente tomando jugos de frutas y de verduras.
Sin dudarlo dos veces viajó a uno de estos centros médicos para aprender cómo preparar estas bebidas y comprobar que se trataba de un tratamiento serio. Allí se enteró de que entre los años 30 y 50 el médico alemán Max Gerson había descubierto los beneficios de la comida vegetariana y no procesada para curar ciertas enfermedades como la tuberculosis. Durante varios meses aprendió a mezclar lechugas, zanahorias, escarolas, acelgas, berros, repollos y manzanas, entre otros ingredientes, en una máquina especial en la que se baten sin perder ninguna de sus propiedades.
Todos los días, por dos años, tuvo que tomarse 12 vasos de estos jugos, realizarse varias veces al día un enema de café y sacar de su dieta la carne, las grasas, el alcohol y la comida chatarra para que el tratamiento diera resultado. “Se necesita mucha disciplina, hay que ser muy estricto”, cuenta Alan. “A veces tu familia te dice que no exageres, que por un día no pasa nada. Pero no es así”, recuerda.
Después de 24 meses el cáncer abandonó su organismo. Fue un milagro, dijeron algunos. Sin embargo, este joven bogotano estaba convencido del poder curativo de estos jugos y decidió dedicarse a ayudar a quienes quisieran realizar este tratamiento en Colombia. Además de suministrarles las frutas y las verduras con las que deben preparar las bebidas, Alan se ha convertido en un testimonio de su eficacia, en un símbolo para no perder la esperanza.
Al igual que le sucedió a Alan, se han registrado varios casos de pacientes en diferentes países del mundo que logran curarse con estos jugos. Aunque el tratamiento es cuestionado por los médicos tradicionales, quienes defienden la necesidad de utilizar la quimioterapia o la radioterapia para combatir el cáncer, cada vez es mayor el número de personas que se anima a probarlo.
Este jueves a las 10 de la mañana en los cines del centro comercial Andino, en Bogotá, se proyectará un documental de 92 minutos sobre el tratamiento y las clínicas en donde se practica. En la cinta se hace una fuerte crítica a la industria farmacéutica y se habla del cáncer, especialmente de cómo puede prevenirse si las personas adquieren hábitos de vida saludables. Alan confía en que esta película pueda dar respuestas a quienes sufren la enfermedad o se convierta en una esperanza para los pacientes que quieren a toda costa recuperar su salud.


  1. Wow! What a small world! Alan Furmanski is a close family friend, and a true miracle case. I am a true believer in alternative medicine, and herbal treatment. My sister is a Doctor in Oriental Medicine, and has opened our eyes to new ways of treating our bodies. My thoughts are that if Cancer was brought on "naturally" it can also be removed in a natural way!
    There is also a Dr in Bogota,Colombia by the name of Santiago Rojas. He works with herbs and alternative treatments, and has had positive results with patients who have terminal diseases. Being that Kelly is the strong worrier that she is, I am sure that she would be an ideal case for these types of treatments. If you are interested in contacting either of these people, please let me know (
    Keep fighting, Keep strong, and be brave,
    Valerie Delarosa

  2. You guys may already have heard of the documentary by Kris Carr called Crazy Sexy Cancer but I thought I'd put that out there in case not: Kris overcame her cancer with a holistic approach & she's a totally inspiring person. I thought of her when I saw the picture of Alan Furmanski with the green juice! I'm sure there's a way to learn to like the stuff ;o) Hugs, Devon

  3. Ani nose si recuerdas pero mi abuelo es naturista y vegetariano , de hecho el escribio un libro con recetas naturales que son remedios para enfermedades , estoy seguro de que el debe saber sobre la alimentacion como influye como una mediciana preventiva y a la vez fortalece el organismo.... cualquier cosa si quieres que le pregunte algo me avisas ok ? besos a toda la familia !! muaaah !!

  4. I'm not sure exactly where on this site to look for information that is especially relevant to your situation, but something may be there.. or this lady may deserve your attention just because she's crazy!

    xo Katrina

  5. As a health professional, I believe in the integration of mind and body to facilitate healing. I believe in the concept of alternative medicine working in conjunction with medical science. I believe no one has all of the answers. I am highly suspect of anything that makes claims to be the end all, be all, whether it be medical, herbal, or whatever. It simply doesn't exist. Everyone's DNA is different. What works for one, may not work for another. That is the reality of illness and healing.

    When looking for answers, it is good to look under every rock, every web site, every magazine, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions and seek answers that work for you. It is a balance. It is striking a balance between who you are, what you want, setting your goals, and finding what works for you. Some goals are small, some require baby steps, others are larger and reflect the big picture.

    For every success story, there are twice as many who did not heal. For me, I would gather all the information I could, research and research and then research some more. I would keep a clear head, stick with evidenced-based scientifically sound studies, and do what feels right for YOU.

    No one can say what the future will bring. You take it one day at a time. You pray, you hope, be pro-active, and do the footwork.

    The mind is a powerful weapon against illness. Kelly's PMA is her best defense. I have faith in The Docs at Sloan-Kettering. It is in their best interest to have Kelly's best interests at heart. :) So, you control what you can - attitude, nutrition, wellness, spirituality - and don't sweat the small stuff.

    yfsn who loves you very much....


Thoughts for Kelly