Tuesday, November 1, 2011


A year ago our lives veered off in an uncertain direction. Uncertain, and full of risk and danger. Kelly was ill…seriously ill. A seizure, examinations, brain tumor (!), prayers, searching, choosing, prayers, travel, cancer (!!), surgery, prayers, recovery, therapies, waiting, clinging to hope, travels; the events and reactions too numerous and varied to detail. But one year on, Kelly's prognosis is excellent.

Kelly continues her work-a-day schedule, interrupted by those bi-monthly trips to NYC and by her 5-day chemo treatments. But she still manages to keep her office on the straight and narrow! That is, when school is in session. Between now and mid-January, we have nine - 9 -  National holidays. And, of course, Carnival Week  arrives in February and 40 days later we celebrate Holy Week. And don't forget the school's Jewish observances. Ahhhhh. Life in the tropics!


  1. I'm still amazed by Kelly's journey. My prayers continue. I'm happy to read this wonderful update and to hear the news of Kelly's engagement. So much to celebrate!!

    Michelle Huff

  2. Kelly,
    Wonderful news, all the way around! Keeping you deeply in my prayers daily. Sending love, hugs and healing prayers,
    Fran, Ron and Nikki Meyer

  3. Wow, it's been a year. What a journey you guys have been through. We continue to think about you, Kelly, from afar. Sending you positive vibes from across the Atlantic. Happy Thankgsiving!!! I imagine Volcan was magical. I wish I could have gotten some of that Dillon turkey dinner. i bet it was extra yummy this year. Miss you.
    Ryan Sweeney

  4. There has been so much stength and warmth in these updates from the very beginning-you guys are a force to be reckoned with! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and that the New Year brings more good news. Hugs and love, Amanda G.

  5. Happy belated Thanksgiving Kelly & Dillon clan! So thankful for the progress in the last year. God is faithful! Congrats on your engagement Kelly!




Thoughts for Kelly