Tuesday, November 2, 2010

One Week Later...

A note from Mama and Pops:

Hello Family and Friends,
This weekend we spent a lovely time with family, basking in this wonderful mountain air while bundled up in lots of woolies to keep warm.  The skies have been radiant blue and the sun brilliant, causing the fall colors to be so spectacular.  The family has enjoyed raucous meals around kitchen and dining room tables, enjoying hot apple cider, hot biscuits dipped in butter and honey, scrumptious apple pies and varied wines.  Everyone enjoyed carving funny-looking pumpkins, filling them with candlelight and placing them on the stone fence along the dark country lane to add to the Fall festivities.
Today we enter the next stage of Kelly’s journey and ask for your continued and fervent prayers.  
This morning Rabbi Goldwasser called to give us an initial update on the pathology report and the Brain Tumor Consulting Team of the Presbyterian Hospital met later in the day to review Kelly’s case.  Their current conclusion is that Kelly’s tumor contains a mixture of oligodendro, astrocytoma and neuronal components, making for an aggressive cancer.  The Consulting Team will forward us more specific details and recommendations.
In the meantime, we have processed an authorization allowing the hospital to release the MRI and pathology reports, which we will take across the street to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center for a second and third analyses by both their leading neuro-pathologist and neuro-oncologist.
The cancer currently diagnosed is graded as a Type 3, and approaching a Type 4 (cancers are rated 1-4 in terms of malignancy, 4 being the high end).  Kelly will probably undergo both radiation and chemo therapies.  We do not know how long Kelly will need to undergo therapy or any other details of her upcoming treatment.  At this point we are unsure whether we will return to Panama briefly or remain in the U.S.  Of course, first Kelly must fully recover from her surgery so that she begins any subsequent therapies at her maximum physical strength.  In fact, that part of her recovery is apparently well advanced, exceeding all expectations.
Yesterday Dr. Stieg’s assistant Amanda, called to ask Kelly how she was doing.  She asked her if she had any headaches? No... fever? No.... Dizziness? No.... Nausea? No ...other symptoms? No.  I heard Kelly say, “Yup, I’m feeling great!  Just can’t move my head too fast ‘cuz I get a woozy feeling.”  Amanda told Kelly that her recovery was a medical marvel.  They had never had a patient undergo brain surgery and not show any signs of discomfort.
Today the incision on Kelly’s head looks completely sealed.  It’s the cleanest looking surgery that any of us have ever seen.  And she now wears her hair combed back naturally - showing only a tiny trace of the cut near her ear.  The temperature has dropped the last two nights, leaving frost behind in the mornings.  Last night Kelly came in from outside and as she was peeling her coat off she made the comment, “Wow, it’s so cold out there, I actually feel my staples...they feel like they’re frozen!”
Cancer is a strange disease; each case is different and each patient responds differently.  We must not allow ourselves to fall into the trap of gauging Kelly’s path by Internet reports of past cases.  Cancer brings its struggles and its hard moments, just like any virulent disease.  It requires a lot of courage to face the day-to-day treatments and that comes from a strong positive attitude.  When we gave Kelly the news from pathology this morning, she looked at us and said, “Well, we will do what we have to do.  I was prepared for this ever since Dr. Stieg said in our first meeting that the need for follow-on radiation would be possible.”  We wouldn’t have expected her to give any other kind of response, right?!  This is a true Kelly common sense statement.  She is a strong girl and with your continued positive support, Kelly will come through this the same way she came through the brain tumor operation...with flying colors! 
So, we leave you today with this latest information and ask for your continued prayers and positive vibes.  We will keep you informed via the blog as further information becomes available. 
Mari and Mark


  1. I love you Kelly. Just wanted to let you know. I miss you so much and continue to pray that everything gets better and everything will! I loved talking to you today and hearing how beautiful your voice sounded, I've never heard it like that before. You sound so peaceful. I know that with that peace and your incredible strength, you will get through this with flying colors. Rob, Ella and our whole family love you so much and we are with you through this whole thing. Te quiero muchisimo mi amiguita bella! I'll call you tomorrow or later this week. MMUUUAAAA, Yoles

  2. Remember, Kellie, it is the "practice" of Medicine. Keep HOPE always with you. We learn so many things on this voyage, just keep your heart open to feel all the good that will come your way.
    Maureen Husum, RN, your MS nurse.

  3. My prayers for Kelly continue. "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken." Psalm 34
    Love, Michelle Huff

  4. Hi Kelly!!! Stay Strong! This is just another test that the Lord is putting you through. Keep the faith, laugh and smile!!! Lots of Love, Daniel Hanna

  5. dear mari and mark, we think of you and kelly every day and continue to pray for her. we love you and are sending positive vibes up your way...
    love mark and liza

  6. Que la virgen de la Rosa Mistica te proteja Kelly!! When Augusto my son had open heart surgery we prayed and miracles happened!! Later on, when Miriam son had the lung surgery we all prayed and miracles happened again. We continue praying with all our hearts!! You are in good hands with your team of doctors and your family is the best! I know!!
    Love Mrs. D

  7. Dear Kelly,

    This morning we were at a gas station and they were playing the Cher song Do you believe in life after love... and right away I told Tio Camio about how much we laughed when you were singing that in the car full blast before Viv was ready to start the first leg of the cayuco race, you made her feel much better and relaxed her and we laughed so hard, until this day. You are such a wonderful and happy person that we know that God will give you all you need to get through this soon.

    We will continue to pray for your health and also for your family who is such a blessing.

    We love you very much and Ella sends you a big hug, we are trying to teach her to throw kisses so she can shower you with hugs and kisses once you get back to Panama.

    All our love and the Lord's blessings,

    Tia Maggie, Tio Camilo, Viv, Rob, Yoela and Ella

  8. Some more healing prayers and positive vibes coming your way Kelly. Keep up with the positive attitude and smile. You are in excellent hands up there!
    Love, Patti McKeon

  9. Dear Kelly,
    Love the picture & so happy to see your beautiful smile!! You have been & will continue to be in my daily prayers. Hold onto ur faith, family & friends during this time - God is holding your hand each step of the way & u have an amazing family (& friends) that will give you all the love & support!! know that many around the world are praying & sending you positive thoughts! un abrazo y que Dios te bendiga!

    my mom wanted me to let you know that she too is praying for you & sends you a big hug!

  10. Much love to all of you! kelly will beat this and be back home soon! blessings.....r.

  11. will continue to pray for her. much love.

  12. Mark & Mari, you are absolutely right, a day at a time, and our Dear and Faithful God will never abandon us, faith, and a positive attitude. For God NOTHING is impossible. Love Ilya Marotta

  13. Great picture, Kelly! You look amazing as always. You guys better not reveal your secret mountain location or else i might come sneaking out of the woods. :) Hot apple cider and butter biscuits? Count me in! I might have to smell my way though. :) I am in Southern California bouncing around and visiting friends. Your courage and strength has amazed me, Kelly - makes me feel kind of wimpy - thanks a lot, Kelly. Way to make us small people feel real wimpy. :) LOL Miss you lots and of course, you remain in my thoughts daily. Big warm hugs!
    much love,

    >>>>pOsItiVe MeNtAl AtTitUDe<<<<
    >>>>>>>>in full effect<<<<<<<<

  14. Thinking of you Kelly and your family constantly, you are loved by so many and we all share the same feeling in how truly strong you are, with your beautiful smile, laughter and love. Stay light, laugh a lot, I am praying for you. I look at my Fall days here in the NW and think of you, how you are in a beautiful scenic place and are a witness to the change of seasons, as in life, seasons change but they rebirth, like you, i have faith in this process. Thinking of you with love, Joye

  15. Hi Kelly, Lots of love and PMA from Good Hope. Think of you constantly you are in our prayers.Love Becky and John David

  16. Dear Kelly,

    You are an amazingly strong person and I have total faith in God AND in you! Coco and I are thinking of you and praying for you always! The power of prayer is truly incredible honey, so PLEASE stay strong because we will all stay strong for you! We love you so much! God Bless! Malena and Coco

  17. Hi Kelly! Beautiful photo of you! Fall in NY is gorgeous. I'm so glad to hear your recovery from surgery has gone so well and tonight I'm lifting you up to the Father during this next part of the journey. I admire your perseverence in all of this. God's grace & love is sufficient for you, lean into His embrace and rest in His arms. I loved the story of how you & Ani stayed in the suite after your sugery and had a personal chef! Love, Cresta

  18. Our prayers are with you! My mom's sister, Susan was diagnosed with a very aggressive breast cancer 3-4 years back (stage 3C, boardering 4). She said her greatest weapon was that every day she would see herself defeating the disease and she did, even when odds were against her! She had the most incredible outlook...and I see that same outlook in all of you! It's amazing how much being positive helps! We're praying for you and will send all the positive energy we can you way.

    All our love

  19. Dear Kelly, Mark, Mari and Ani, we have been praying for you ALL since we got the news on the St. Mary's prayer.net. You have the most powerful group of prayer warriors praying for you all, especially for Kelly as she faces this difficult time in her young life. We don't know where we would be without the love, prayers and thoughtfulness of the St. Mary's community and all our wonderful friends and family. Stay strong Kelly, this too will pass! You will be stronger for it. Keep the faith and stay positive. We all send you our love, admiration and prayers. May the Lord be with you and your family, guide you and hold your hand as you walk your path. God's blessings to you ALL.

    Bob, Jeanne and Ryan Rupp

  20. Kelly....you are amazing! My prayers are with you everyday! Lots of LOVE and HUGS!!!


  21. Well guys, we forgot to place the letter in the box. Hope you receive it and pamper yourselves. Mr. Dillon, you got the product that really can be shared.Foot butter!!!!follow the directions.Kelly we love you and miss you! Ollie!

  22. Dear Miss Kelly,

    I know you're fine but I also wanted to wish you a good and fine flight to Panama.
    hi to Miss.Annie and good luck.


  23. Hey All,
    Just got the update after a few days vacation from the internet. Kelly....you have a big cheerleading group behind you waiting for good news and for your quick return. You may have a long fight ahead of you, but being the worrier that you are, we are confident that you will win every battle with flying colors.
    Keep strong. Be brave.
    Los Delarosa

  24. Hello Kelly, I got the blog address from Anyse... I just got back from a little vacation with Victoria and just read this final update...
    Listen, everyone from the outside will always be able to give you positive feedback and positive energy. They are ALWAYS welcome!!!! Now, let me give you positive energy, vibes and everything from the inside as a cancer patient... 18 years ago, I was right there... brain surgery ( a small hole on my right side of the head) and everything!!! Could you ever tell that by looking at me or while sharing a Margarita? I bet no!!! smile huh? Well...that's exactly the attitude to have while receiving all that chemo...SMILE, look around you, do what you have to do and don't waste time crying. Oh...after the tough rounds of chemo, ask the nurses for hand and legs&feet massages!!! You'll love them!!!
    Your best friends will become those nurses and your team of doctors... they are great people. Anyways, you are strong like me and you will make it with flying colors because it is all possible. Anyways, I'll be checking on you, and if you need anything "from the inside" just write me a note@ irmaeruiz@hotmail.com
    Stay strong and smile...and BTW, great people the Lopez's...I've known them for many years... specially Hector's brother.
    Take care and eat a lot!!! :-)
    Tons of love,

  25. Hola Kelly, mi esposo Henry y yo hemos estado super pendiente de cada comentario escrito por tu mami en el blog. Estas en nuestros pensamientos y nuestras oraciones a diario y veras como todo saldra bien. Eres hermosa y valiente, ya llevas esa delantera. Mucha, mucha fe, que con el amor de todos los que te quieren, esa familia tan linda que tienes y el amor de Dios, vas a superar todos estos obstaculos. Animo!!! Los Arosemena

  26. Love you Kel!


  27. buen dia kelly párrafo y Toda La Familia dillon de instancia de parte de los Niños onelys, Solangel. Blanca y Omar. Mucho PORQUE ESTAMOS Orando Dios Nuestro Creador Que Conoce Todo Lo Que heno en Nuestro Cuerpo PUEDE HACER El milagro de radicar Totalmente El cáncer en El cerebro de Kelly, fe Tengan Mucha, párr PORQUE EL hay nada imposible heno, uno traves de las Plantas Medicinales Que El Señor Creo Las dejo COMO MEDIO curativo párrafo Nuestro Cuerpo. Muchas heno Manera de Sanar, en solitario Pero Una Que Dios aprueba un traves de las Plantas Naturales, les insto una magra Que Los Libros de medicina Tienen Que naturales y El señor del cielo les dara la Respuesta. we ESTAMOS en contra, especialmente, Usted SABE Cuanto cariño y amor le expect Por TODAS Las bondades recibidas. Besos y abrazos kelly párrafo y mary señora, saludos y cualquier Especiales párrafo Todo de instancia de parte de Todos, Solangel, onelys, Omar, Blanca y Familia. we ESTAMOS Con y El Dios del cielo igualmente. segiremos Orando párr Que El Dios del cielo Haga El Milagro Definitivo. Le quiero dar Una reflexión de la biblia. slmos 37:4-5. "Deleitate en El y El señor te consederá Las reescritura de tu corazon;. Encomienda al señor tu camino, confia en El y El hara" Dios te Bendiga y te en guardia de toddo Momento. Te Queremos Mucho.

    att. Blanca Familia y Pitty.

  28. Dear Maria, Ani, Kelly and family,
    I think the idea of natural remedies is a great one if is combined with a medicalplan as well. It is important to see what the intreactions might be between some of the herbs etc. I do know that the mixes of vegetables and fruits is very healing but is always best to consult with the doctor. Love you all!!
    Gloria Ducreux

  29. Dear Maria, Kelly and Annie:
    Reading this blog is kind of surreal to me. One day you are planning out your life and the next you are praying that you get to live one.
    If there is justice and balance in this universe, and I believe there is, Kelly will recover and you will all find the strength to endure, because you must all be exhausted. It sounds like it has been a long haul but, I am praying; along with many that it will soon end well, bringing you even closer to one another.
    I truely trust in the power of love and prayer, both of which I can see you've got covered.

    I leave you with an inspirational yet, humorous quote I came across not long ago:
    "Consider that people are like tea bags. They don't know their own strength until they get into hot water. "

    ~Dan McKinnon
    All my love and possitive thinking reaching out to hug you!


Thoughts for Kelly