Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Onward...with a smile :)


  1. Sending Kelly wishes for a speedy recovery and pronto return to Panama!!! The photos and updates are wonderful, great to see such a beautiful family, the smiles, the vibes, the love you are transmitting, WOW! Les mando miles de abrazos desde really rainy Panama!!!! Love you all, Brooke

  2. Aw! Kelly, you look great! Ani, thank you so much for keeping us all informed with Kelly's progress. I have been checking in on the blogs and have been thinking of Kelly and all the Dillons tremendously. I know Kelly will get through the next stage just as strong and upbeat as before. Big hugs and happy thoughts your way. XO Amanda Gabrielson

  3. dear Kelly
    Te extranamos en el MDA!!!
    Espero que te recuperes pronto
    un abrazo
    Isaac de Castro

  4. There's that beautiful smile:) Kelly, you look fantastic! You are always in my thoughts and prayers. You have incredible strength and know you will pull through this! We're all holding your hand every step of the way. Love you, Dar

  5. No me he olvidado de ustedes y no lo hare !! seguire rezando por ti kelly ,estas en mis pensamientos y con la ayudad de dios y todas nuestras oraciones lograremos que salgas de esta kelly ,nunca pierdas la FE !!! un beso y un abrazo !!


  6. How much do I love you???? GOD only knows how to gauge that amount!!!!! My back is strong Kelly....You can lean on me or I can carry you, if need be!! My heart is open and extra strong to take on extra heaviness of heart or hurt there in!!! You are my Hero, sweet angel!!! You have an un wavering spirit and are always the first in line to support and be there in times of need with your friends and family......let us return the favor, this time!! Give me "it", so I carry "it" for you!!!! I love you!!! I miss you!!! I am here for you baby...always!!! MUUUUUUUAHHHHHHH!!!!!!

  7. Kelly, you look fantastic!! For that matter, so does the whole Dillon clan!! We are thinking of you every moment and like Ryan said in an earlier post I think we all envy your strength and spirit. Maybe after you are back to 100% we can do Everest or Kilimanjaro... No sherpas or porters needed. Hugs and lots of love from the whole Sweeney family to you and your family.


  8. Looking beautiful as ever!! Your strength continues to amaze me and all this is just yet another hurdle in this crazy thing we call life! I love you so much!

  9. Kelly you look beautiful as always. Keep up the PMA and smiles.

    Thinking of you,

    Andrea C.

  10. Looking good Dillon! Keep up that smile and we'll keep on praying. God bless you!
    Much love,

  11. Ahhh there's our Kelly bella! Hey, I've got a mojito with your name on it for when you get back home to Panama.... in the meantime I am Fedexing a truck load of Hershey's kisses to tide you over in the meantime... LOL
    Dig your heels in, girlfriend..... it's time to WHUP SOME SERIOUS A**!!

  12. Kelly.
    You´re looking beautiful sweetheart- it´s hard to beleive that you´ve just gone through the ringer- looks like you just spent a week at a spa! Enjoy the good fall/mountain/family vibes for all us rain soaked panameños! Lots of love from Lucy, Wilson, Tia Z and me!


Thoughts for Kelly