Thursday, November 4, 2010


serendipity |ˌserənˈdipitē|nounthe occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way a fortunate stroke of serendipity series of small serendipities.
Last night we enjoyed the Dave Matthews Band at the Nassau Coliseum on Long Island.  The concert was a great revue of his songbook. We (thousands) all laughed, danced, clapped and sang.  Towards the end of the concert, Dave played a song that neither Kelly nor I had ever heard before: "Sister".  
For the first time since October 11, we held each other tight and cried, just like that not-so-distant day when Kelly was first diagnosed with a brain tumor. Only it was different last night; our tears were of pure joy and happiness, love and compassion.  We truly depend upon one another!

" ... I had a younger sister and when we were little kids we used to say that somehow when she was born her heart ended up in my chest and my heart ended up in hers." - Dave Mathews


Pass the time with you in mind
It's a rather quiet night
Feel the ground against my back
Counting stars against the black
Thinking bout another day
Wishing I was far away
Whether they were dreams or worries
You were there with me

Sister, I hear you laugh
My heart fills full up
Keep me please
Sister, when you cry
I feel your tears running down my face
Sister, Sister keep me

I hope you always know its true
I would never make it through
We could make the sun go down
Just by walking away
Playing like we used to play
Our kingdom will never go away
Feel you beating in my chest
I'll be dead without
Sister, I hear you laugh
My heart fills full up
Keep me please
Sister, when you cry
I feel your tears running down my face
Sister, Sister will you keep me?

I would never make it through
Hope you always know its true
You could make the heaven's fall
Just by walking away

Sister, I hear you laugh
My heart fills full up
Keep me please
Sister, when you cry
I feel your tears running down my face
Sister, Sister keep me 

The reason for this post's title, "Serendipity", is self-evident: "Sister" came at the right time and under the right circumstances, bringing a happy confirmation of our love for one another.

Love, Ani


  1. Dear Kelly and Ani,

    THIS IS SOO SOO HEAVY..SUCH TIMING...SOOOOO AMAZING......THIS BEAUTIFUL BLESSING THAT YOU JUST SHARED TOGETHER WITH THAT PERFECT SONG.......thank you so much for sharing that with all of us and just all that you have continued to write since the beginning. We are so grateful for the updates, etc. We are send our love to both of you....You are both so dear and I just want you both to know again how Matt and I and the kids pray for you every day when we pray at dinner time....Every day your name and your whole family is mentioned in our home for the Lord to heal you and strengthen and encourage your hearts and to make himself so real to you both. I am so proud of your courage and your thankfulness in the midst of such a thing. You both are soooooooooooo beautiful and just know that we send our love to you and the next time we see you guys the hug will be much much tighter and longer than the last time!!! Praying for you and love to you both and your dear parents,
    Becky, Matt and family

  2. De verdad gracias por compartir esta anecdota tan hermosa que vivistes con kelly en el concierto y de verdad que no fue casualidad , fue dios manifestando el amor que debe existir entre hermanos y familia siempre !! las quiero mucho a las dos !!

    Abrazos y un beso enormee !!


  3. Ani, what a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing.


  4. I am going to forward this to my BFF, my sister, Julie.....
    Thanks, Ani...... mu-wah!!

  5. Turn on the water works!! What a beautiful song I am going to download it on iTunes today! So good to hear your voice today Kelly, you sound (and are) upbeat and so happy. Looking forward to Thanksgiving in Mountainville!! Love you all

    Your MD for life Suzanne ;-)

  6. Also Ani has been so amazing and equally strong through this all, words cant express the gratitude we all feel for her! Love you Ani!!

  7. This was such a beautiful post!!!! You are both incredible and wonderful together. I love you both so very much and can't wait to see those beautiful smiles when you come home! Love you, Yoles

  8. Ani, this is such a heartfelt and beautiful post. I'm looking forward to hearing the DMB! It's so great to see such a strong bond between you two.


  9. I saw the pictures that Cathy posted on Facebook. Your beautiful smile is radiant as always, Kelly. I love you. How my heart wishes I could be there. Ani, I praise God that you are by your sister's side. Thank you for this beautiful post.

    To the wonderful Dillon family I want to share this verse:

    "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

    Kelly might remember I had this posted in the cayuco seat as we paddled through the canal. What a small feat compared to the race ahead. But "Chief" Kelly will pull through. Of this we can be sure.

    Monica Jean

  10. Just beautiful. What a team you two are- the ying and the yang. You remind me very much of Jamie and I- a "chief" and a "free spirit." Serendipity indeed!! xoxoxo Michelle

  11. Mari: I sent some pictures at your e mail mdillon etc. Don´t know if you have seen them before.

  12. In reading what you wrote Ani, it gave me chills, serendipity is so right, i have seen DMB live more times that i can count and he rarely plays this song, it is moving and powerful. The bond of sisters, like you and Kelly is truly magical and beautiful. The bond you also have as a family will carry you through this. Thinking of you all and thank you so much for the updates. Big hug Kelly!
    You are always in my thoughts and prayers, Love, Joye

  13. Hello Kelly
    It was about 2 years ago since we first met, and it was your phone call that open the door for me to share with my new family at MDA. And it makes me happy to know that it change my life for the better being next to that new family. Your mom makes sure that we are a close and positive family regardeless of all the craziness that teaching brings with it.
    And in this crazy times I want to let you know that I have been sending my positive thoughs and positive energy going your way. I am sure things will go great your way and that soon we will all have your company once more close to Us. Hope you are feeling better and praying for yopur soon recovery. Love to all your family and t you
    Mr A. The Music teacher

  14. I know about the love for a sister. I love mine, and I love watching the relationship between Kelly and Ani. This song brought tears to my eyes. I love you both and I hope to see you here soon.

    I feel gifted to have a sister like Tanya.

  15. Hi Kelly,

    Just to let you know that your precious niece got her first baby tooth today. I bet you already know by now because you and Yoela BBM all day long, and that's great.

    Well, we had a very nice vacation, it is great to have the family together, and next year for sure, you are coming with us to Orlando, we loved the place.

    Hope you are doing well and I will keep praying the rosary asking the Lord and the Virgin Mary to keep you safe and healthy.

    Love you very much and muchos besitos,

    Tia Maggie


Thoughts for Kelly